This past fall break I traveled to San Diego for the PRSSA International Conference. It was a fortunate opportunity to be able to travel there all expenses paid by Elon.  I traveled with two other girls who I really did not know but we had ourselves a time. Our personalities really meshed together well.

Thursday, October 19 

We left Elon at 3:00 and headed to RDU Airport. Around 10 a.m. we landed in San Diego. As we were approaching the landing the pilot quickly started to go back up in the air. It was very scary for two minutes until the pilot went on the loudspeaker to announce that he approached the landing wrong. Once we finally landed, we ubered to the Grand Hyatt Hotel. We immediately were ready to take on the city. I came in with prior research per usual but also asked the front desk people for recommendations. The first stop was Puesto. We had delicious tacos, salsa and chips! Our waitress was amazing. We got to talking and the next thing we know we had a free corn dip at our table. We also asked for her recommendations and she told us her friend would give us free wine at the Hotel del Coronado. Like what! Of course, the Hotel was on our list of things to do so we went there for dinner! 

After lunch, we walk around the nearby area around the Seaport Village. We saw the famous Kissing Sailor Statue. After we headed back to the hotel to get our room and shortly headed over to Little Italy. We paid about 5 dollars round trip on the trolly. We enjoyed ice cream at Salt and Straws and just started talking with people on the street. We met a guy around our age who dropped out of college to live in a van in San Diego working for a nonprofit. What a vibe and a story! After walking around Little Italy we made our way back to the hotel to then make our way to the Hotel del Coronado to eat there. We took the ferry over and then ubered to the hotel. It was really beautiful and worth it! We spoke with the bartender who was awesome and gave us the hookup for free wine and a burrata appetizer. 

Friday, October 20

We woke up and headed to La Jolla. We ate brunch at Cody's La Jolla which was beyond delicious and then we headed to see the sea lions. So well worth it. They were so close to us! After walking along the cove we then ubered to Pacific Beach to walk around and ride bikes along the beach and the bay. Definitely worth renting bikes. The area almost reminded me of Long Beach, NY. Then we made our way back to the hotel to start the conference! 

Saturday, October 19

We spent the majority of the day at the conference. Here are some bigger takeaways I received: 
  • “The best way to predict the future is to create it” -Kaye Sweetser
  • Understanding of the Communications and Public Affairs department at Disney World 
    • Importance of internal comradery for new and exciting things happening within the company
  • “What’s not teachable is attitude”
  •  “Impressions and stats don’t pay the bills” - President of Nebo
On Saturday night, Vanessa, our new friend, and Olivia and I headed to the Gaslamp Quarter for dinner. I ended up getting a free dinner which was exciting but it also had hair in it. The District was within walking distance from the hotel. There were a ton of restaurants and bars. It was really a move. After our free dinner, we got ice cream at Ghiradelli! 

Sunday, October 20

Key takeaways from Erika Prime, Taco Bells’ Social and Digital Marketing session:
  • When it comes to social media, it is oversaturated and you are competing with culture, not competitors 
  • Need to have different content for each channel 
  • When it comes to influencers, just provide the free opportunity and see if they will share content 

After the conference, we spent time by the pool and then ate dinner at Harbour House with our Elon advisor for PRSSA. It was a great opportunity to hear about her experiences. Then we headed back to the hotel and Olivia shared her insights on astrology with us! 

Monday, October 21

We woke up at 6:15 am to eat at the Seaview Restaurant in the Hyatt for breakfast. They offered a $21 and $28 buffet. We ended up doing al a cart for it to be the cheaper option but of course, it was not! I got an omelet for $14 and then a small bowl of fruit for $8. Fruit for $8 is a joke. I was fuming. I do not recommend. 

Other fun things to do that we did not have time for: 
  • In N Out
  • Petco Park Stadium 
  • San Diego Zoo 
  • Balboa Park 

This was a summer of realization. I was interning at Hilton in their Global Headquarters in the outskirts of Washington, DC. Initially, I was very excited because I always wanted to work in hospitality but the location was a little disappointing. I always had this dream of interning in New York City.

After such an amazing summer away from home, I would love to explore other options aside from New York. I had an amazing summer at Hilton and am trying to navigate looking at other cities for opportunities! One day I will make it back to NY and be able to afford to live on my own!

One week from today I woke up for the last time in Duomo 7 apartment. So many memories were made there that I will remember for a lifetime. From the pregames to the charcuterie parties to the potluck dinners. It is sad to say that now it is just a memory.

People always say that going abroad for three and a half months is the best time of your life. I never knew if I should believe them. For my case, it was. I think not going in with expectations really helped me, which is definitely not like me. I met people I never thought I would have met. I did things I never thought I would do. I succeeded in making my "goal friends" become actual best friends.

I learned more about myself than I ever thought I would.

I was able to conquer my fear of heights: paragliding in Switzerland, ziplining in Croatia and taking a single rider chairlift to the top of Capri.

Another thing I learned about myself is that I am extremely extroverted. I mean, I always knew I was, but once I went abroad I would never really shut up. I am sure my friends could attest to this. One of the things I wanted to hold myself accountable for was being able to travel alone. I did not do this. I personally would have had a terrible time if I did. I get so much of my energy being around my friends.

Further, I learned that I am very capable of going with the flow when it comes to planning trips. Yes, I would like some things to be planned but I have realized that I am up for spontaneous adventures.  I remember being with Taylor in Switzerland and we looked at each other and had no idea what to do next. Next thing you know, we came across a skiing and snowboarding competition in the mountains. This never would have happened if we had a plan for the day.

Lastly, I learned that you really have one life to live and you should never waste a dull moment. All that I worked for from my past summers and on-campus jobs went all to good use. I wouldn't change anything about my experience (well, maybe except for being robbed).

Thank you to my parents who allowed me to study abroad. Thank you to AEF for helping me integrate and learn about the Italian culture. And finally, thank you to the 38 individuals on my program who were such a light in my abroad experience.

This was my last weekend trip planned. It was certainly bittersweet to book. Shanley, Taylor and I booked with Bus2alps to go to the Amalfi Coast. We could not have been able to do half the things on this trip if we booked alone. Honestly, thank god for the company.


This weekend the trip began on Thursday night. There were about 160 students on the program. Mostly girls but a few boys! The three of us were supposed to be on the same bus but unfortunately, we were all separated. We arrived at the Sisters Hostel around 2:00 AM. It was located on the outskirts of downtown Sorrento. Relatively close to the train or a taxi ride away. We really lucked out with our own room and bathroom too.


We woke up relatively early on Friday to take a boat cruise to Positano (pronounced pos e tano). The cruise was so fun. Per usual we did not get the best seat on the boat but once it started to move it was chilly. We drank wine and chatted! The boat also provided pasta for us. At one point the boat stopped for those to jump in the water but it was simply too cold for that to happen.

Once we arrived, we snagged a spot on the black sand beach. It was extremely hot to walk on the sand. Finally, we had a warm weekend. Again, I was too cheap to buy suntan lotion so I burned but it was all good. We grabbed some champagne and Tzatziki and crackers to enjoy on the sand. We had the pleasure of sitting next to a group of ten boys. We took their photo. They took our photo. So fun.

After our photoshoots, we explored the area which was so cute and quaint. By far my favorite beach town. It was crazy hard to walk on the rocks near the shore. We were so hot at one point that we had to sit in the water.

On our way back to Sorrento, around 3:00 PM, we snagged seats on the top which had nice chairs. It was perfect. I love afternoon sun. Once we docked we needed to walk up this long ramp which was kinda a nightmare but we made it! We were so exhausted and felt gross that we needed to shower and sleep. There was a bus taking us downtown. It was beautiful. It kinda reminded me of Nice, France. We at dinner at Meating. I ordered the clams and spaghetti. Shanley and I ordered these eggplant rolls too which were delicious. At this point, I was exhausted, dehydrated and slightly hungover but still going strong. We still needed to meet up with our friend Emma! We went out to the English Inn. Cool vibes. It was a club that was outside. We saw plenty of Bus2alps kids and many Italian men.  We ended up going to sleep at 2:00 AM.


We had to wake up at 6:00 AM in order to take our ferry to Capri. We had to again make the trek down to the pier. Once we arrived we took another boat cruise around the island. We saw the love rocks, where the rich people vacation and the Gerber baby house. We also saw some grottos but could not go inside because the water level was too high. We were hitting air on our boat, the sea was so rough. Thank god for the warm weather though.

Once we arrived on the island we took a little monorail to one level and then bused to the top level. We ate at Columbus Bar. I was craving a greek salad. After lunch, we took the Saggiovia Monte Solaro chair lift up to the top of the island. I was very scared for this especially since it was a one-seat chair lift. I am so proud of myself for conquering so many fears on this study abroad experience. Go me!

 After the lift, I got this sweatshirt I have been wanting. Then we had to make our way down the island. We were going to take a convertable taxi but we decided to walk down what felt like 600 flights of cobble stairs. As I write this, I am still feeling the burn on my calves. We took the ferry back, relaxed and then back to downtown Sorrento. We met up with Emma and ate at ristorante il Pozzo I got spaghetti and muscles. Classic. Then we went back to Emma's dorm before we left to go to the English Inn. Mike was visiting Sorrento with his Semester at Sea friends and I finally got to see him. We ran into eachothers arms as if we are dating. We are not! We spent the night at the English Inn!


Another early morning. Very tired. Since we are on a program we had to go back to Pompeii. The three of us already did that so we spent the day chilling just waiting to get back. Mike arrived in Florence late Sunday night.

Easter Weekend! 

This was definitely a hard weekend to be away from my family. But on the bright side, I celebrated Easter with my friend Amanda’s family in Sicily.


We traveled to Palermo early Friday morning. It was such a travel extravaganza. We woke up early to take a bus to Pisa International Airport. Once we arrived we had to take a tram to the airport and then we finally made it with 20 minutes before boarding. The Ryanair people love to talk on the plane. The loudspeaker was constantly going off with information. When we landed the people on the plane simply did not care. They aggressively pushed one another. I had to finagle my way off the plane.

Once we arrived in Palermo we had to bus an hour away to the downtown area. Then we had to walk to our Airbnb. We took back streets that brought us through an outdoor street market. It was actually so chaotic. The people are screaming Italian from every direction. There was fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, cheese and meats. Oddly enough the meat did not smell because it was so fresh. On the other hand, the fish smelled a little wild. Once we made it to the apartment we quickly changed into our bathing suits. We stopped for rice balls and hit the train to Cefalù. It was perfect and just what we all needed after a long day of travel. The town was so cute. It was old was but nearly as dirty as Palermo. We walked through the town until we saw the beach. It was hot, thank goodness. The weather I have had the past couple of weeks have been not so great. I napped on the beach and luckily did not get a sunburn. Once the sun started to go down it started to get chilly. We headed to dinner but not many places were open since it was Good Friday. We were able to find a place that served wine and appetizers. We went to Enoteca Le Petit Tonneau. The five of us ordered wine, 2 cheese, and meat plates and a hot platter. I am now a fan of artichokes. We also discovered that the bread in Sicily is what we consider the Italian bread at home. After dinner, we got our first Sicilian cannoli! It was so yummy. Then we headed back to our Airbnb! 


Today was going to be a cloudy day. We set out around 11:00. I got a rice ball again! The best one I had. It had ham and cheese. Then we headed back to the market. Such a cool experience. After we headed toward the water. Then, we ate at a Michelin star restaurant called Buatta and I ordered the best pasta dish I have yet to eat: anelletti al forno. It was fried exterior with a hard-boiled egg inside which was very unexpected. After lunch, we made our way to the grocery store. We also stopped at the monestary where we found hidden baked goods at the Segreti del Chiostro. I ate another cannoli! We decided to chef up some dinner. We sauteed veggies. Then we watched The Hangover.  


Easter Sunday we headed to Amanda’s family’s house in Capo d' Orlando. It was a cute town. Very beautiful. We met her aunt and cousins. We had four courses: meat and cheese, lasagna, roast beef and potatoes and dessert. On our way to the train, we stopped for granita which is similar to an Italian Ice.


So I was not going to write about Monday because it was just a travel day but just my luck something juicy happens, literally. On our flight back the girl next me threw up and some landed on my backpack. As we are about to land I open my eyes. I notice the girl next to me holding her mouth ready to barf. At this very moment, the flight attendant is walking holding the trash bag and I grab her in the nick of time. I was snapping my fingers for her to hurry. The flight attendant is now holding the bag with vomit in. Some liquid did not make it in the bag and actually ended up on my backpack. I am mad. As we all know, I was robbed in Naples and my backpack was cut. This backpack has been through it all. This is just a typical day in the life of Kelly!

Thinking back I was wondering if this girl was going to wake me up or if she was going to vomit all over me and the other person. If my eyes were not open at the moment I literally would have been livid if it landed on me. Love my life!!!!!

  • Keep in mind that Palermo is an hour away from the airport 
  • If you are looking for a beach weekend stay in Cefalù
  • Don’t forget to eat plenty of rice balls (arancini) and cannolis 

This was an adventure that started on a Wednesday. The only reason I say this is because we got an email from the booking company, Euroadventures saying they canceled the trip. I was so mad. After a million emails communicating with the CEO, they put us on the Bus2Alps trip to Croatia. Luckily, I was able to accommodate our group of six of us. The best part was that if we actually paid to go with Bus2Alps we would have had to spend about 80 more euros but we didn't have to!  


Thursday evening we left for the bus at 8:15 p.m. Shelby, Amanda, Kate and I were able to snag seats on the top floor of the bus. The major downfall was the location of these seats. We had the pleasure of sitting behind the most pretentious kid on the program who would not shut up about his life. The kid only talked about himself to his other friend who stayed awake for twelve hours essentially listening to him yap. At one point he reclined so far back he was in Amanda’s lap. No that did not last long. Then, around 2:00 in the morning we had to stop for border patrol. It was exciting to get my new passport stamped. 


When we arrived on Friday to En Route Hostel we were not that tired. The hostel was pleasantly new and very clean. We were provided a breakfast which consisted of pizza, sugary pastries, salad and grilled chicken. Then we had to get ready for zip-lining. This adventure was actually far scarier than paragliding. The first crossing was the longest and scariest. I was shaking. I ended up doing it with the guide because I was so scared. I screamed my head off the whole time. We had seven more runs after that where I went completely alone. So proud of myself. 

After a long day of zip-lining, we headed back to the hostel to shower and head to dinner. We ate at the Mexican place, To Je Tako. I ordered three chicken tacos which were amazing. The only obnoxious thing was having to take out Croatian money for the week. After dinner, we walked around the downtown area but then shortly made our way back home to get ready for the pub crawl. This was my first time doing this and it was quite exciting. A bunch of the Bus2Alps people headed to the first bar where we got unlimited drinks for two hours. Then we all headed to the next bar/club and called it a night. We waiting in line for the bathroom and knew we were over it. After ubering back home for 2 euros, we went off to bed. 


We had to wake up around 7:30 to get ready for the boat cruise. This was technically a booze cruise but our group was not feeling it. It was a nice boat with lunch but it was just not the move considering it was cold. We dressed somewhat cute and comfortable but we really should have been bundled. We first stopped at Blue Lagoon which was picturesque. We laid on the rocks and napped before headed back on the boat for lunch. We all were expecting a wack lunch but it was actually pretty great. After we made our way to another island where we spent some time relaxing on the beach. The only downside was certainly the weather but we were on the boat too long and not long enough on the islands. I would only recommend going if it is going to be sunny and 75. After we got off the boat, we headed to dinner at Toto’s Burger Bar. It was a different type of burger but there was plenty of other options to get something else. It was not pricey either. After we headed to Birkenstocks but unfortunately it was close. The cost of the shoes were 60 dollars! So crazy. We missed out on that deal. Later that night we watched movies and headed to bed.


Early wake up at 6:45 to head to Krka National Park to see the beautiful waterfalls. As we made our way to the bus we snagged great seats. Joey sat behind us and then this couple came walking through to claim their seats because they left their neck pillow there from two days ago. Are youkiddingg me? Is that how you thought it would work. No sir. This guy had the audacity to move his hands essentially shoeing Joey to get up because he stole is seat. I could not believe it. The worst thing was the joey got up and gave them the seats. I could not hold back. I literally said there is no reason to be savage over a seat. Apparently, he gave me the finger. Kate chimed in and goes under her breath, "this is a test of his character. I wonder why she is with him." Go Kate! I am fuming about writing this.

Once we got to the park it was beautiful. So much to see. The water was so clear. Now we are headed back to Florence for a 12-hour ride. I forgot my headphones in my backpack because I left them in my suitcase under the bus. Go me!

Overall, this trip was filled with adventures and lasting friendships! 

  • Consider Croatia for a long weekend since the drive is so long. You will have an opportunity to go to Dubrovnik.
  • Bring a neck pillow for the bus ride
  • Consider the weather when booking the boat cruise


After a delayed flight we finally arrived in Barcelona. We landed around five and took the Aerobus to the center of town. We literally booked the perfect Airbnb in the gothic district about a five-minute walk from all forms of transportation possible. We stopped at Starbucks because we have become feens for cold brew coffee since having it in Monaco. So if you don’t know this Starbucks has amazing pumpkin and banana bread but... in the US. I was craving it and in Spain, those flavors are not offered! Instead, I opted for the lemon bread. After Starbucks was finally in hand, we went out and about and explored the local area before heading to tapas for dinner. We went to Tosca Palau. So amazing. We had such a spread and everything was surprisingly filling. Later that evening Taylor and I met up with some friends from Elon for drinks. 


This morning we woke up relatively early to go to Brunch and Cake. Cute asthenic and good vibes. I ordered a bagel with scrambled eggs, avocado and lox. Definitely not my typical order but I needed protein in my body. After, we headed over to Ciutadella Park and explored. Then we stumbled across the Arc de Triomf. We started to make our way to some stores. Many of which are European but we stumbled across an Urban Outfitters. I finally bought a cardigan I have been wanting. Then we made our way toward Las Ramblas which consists of vendors and street performances. After reading blogs apparently, there are many hungry pickpocketers found here but don't nothing else was stolen. Along the walk, we stopped at an indoor/outdoor market, La Boqueria. Easily one of the coolest markets I have seen. Insanely inexpensive too. I got a cup of mangos for 1 euro and an empanada for 2.50 euros. Perfect place to stop for a snack. Shortly after we made our way back to our Airbnb. Literally can't beat the location. 

We headed to the area of the Sagrada Família. We stopped at BuenasMigas for chocolate cake and a pitcher of sangria. A pitcher is a lot, especially for me. Then we headed inside for our 6:00 p.m. scheduled tour time. We booked it for sunset but there was no such thing. The church was beyond amazing. The history behind it is fascinating. Antoni Gaudí designed the church but never finished it and since he passed, artists have been trying to finish it. It is expected to be done on the 100th anniversary of his death in 2026.  

As we started walking in the street towards a direction for dinner this American couple stopped us. We yapped with them until we stopped at Sensi to eat but they did not have enough room for us. We ended up eating at La Galera but would not recommend. I had the pleasure of sitting basically on top of the owner and her coughing five-year-old son. Literally, people need to be trained from the womb to cover their mouths. 


Literally woke up at 6:30 to go to Park Güell. Since we booked tickets so last minute we got the 8 a.m. timeslot which unfortunately meant that we could not experience clubbing in Barcelona the night before. If you have time, I hear the club, Opium is good. So once we take the bus there, we get off and see many people running. Why? Are we missing something? Yes. So apparently you can go to the Park for free before 8 a.m. Yup, so now I lost 12 euros. 

We wait in a short line to take photos then these nice girls took our photos on their professional camera. They offered to email them to use which was kind. After chatting I find out they are from New Hyde Park, a town close by to me. Such a small world. 

Then we made our way to Brunch and Cake again. I got the Levain Bakery homage pancake. So crazy because my cousin introduced me to that Bakery in NYC. Small world. Everything is healthy at this place too so after eating it I was grateful to not feel like a sack of potatoes. 

At this point, we legit have no idea what to do next. The weather was not warm enough to lay at the beach so we end up going to the CosmoCaixa Science Museum. Well worth it for 2.50 euros. Plenty to see if you are dilly-dallying in the city. After the Museum we made our way back to our apartment for a nap. Our bodies are just exhausted from this whole spring break adventure. 

Once we woke up we made our way to Starbucks. Then we took the metro to Barcelona beach and rented bikes for 2 hours. It only cost us 6 euros. 100% the highlight of Barcelona. On our way to the boardwalk, we walked through what seemed like a million vendors selling so many fake items. Seriously considered buying a Hermes belt but did not. 

Along the boardwalk, there are bike lanes which definitely helps when there are so many people around. Also, the fact that the bikes have bells on them to scare away people who get in our way. We made our way pretty far before turning back. The opposite direction was rough. The wind was against us. Taylor was killing it but I just could not keep up. This was easily the most physically active I have been since abroad.

After bikes, we headed to the area of Pablo Sec which is known for having good tapas. We ate at La Esquinita de Bali. So delicious. It was this whole new way of eating I have never seen before. Not only was there a menu to order tapas, but there were plates of tiny tapas with sticks in them for us to take. Plain sticks were only 1 euro and sticks with dots were 1.80 euros. On top of noshing on those, we enjoyed our final glass of sangria and nachos and chicken tenders. After tapas, we made our way to the Magic Fountain. It is a fountain light show that lasts for 30 minutes. The experience reminded me of Disney! Then we made our way back home because we needed to be up early to catch a redeye back to Florence.


  • Download Moovit. It is essential to get around in the city.

  • Dont pay for Park Güell. Wake up before it opens.
  • Enjoy tapas and sangria. 
  • Book the Sagrada Família in advance.


Taylor and I arrived in Nice. We took tram 2 to the Airbnb which was in the best location in the city but was just not the best accommodation. Upon arrival, we noticed the following things: One toilet paper roll. Dirty dishes. No hand soap. No dish soap. Not a happy Kelly and Taylor. We reach out to the Airbnb host and he will be compensating us. When we first arrived we walked the Promenade des Anglais and tried to rent bikes but couldn’t figure it out for the life of us. The app ate our money. We grabbed lunch at Le Cocodile. Pretty reasonably priced for a sea view lunch. After we headed to Old Town and saw the Place Massena area. We also saw the Avenue Jean Medecin that had a bunch of stores. We made our way to the Promenade des Arts for the #81 bus to St Jean Cap Ferrat. We got off at the Mairie stop and relaxed there for the rest of the afternoon. FUN FACT: 50 shades freed was filmed near here! If you are as obsessed as I am, go to some of the filming sites!  There was a little street fair with vendors so we bought wine. We headed back on a crowded bus and once we made it home for dinner, we cooked pasta, veggies and chicken. We are ballin on a budget out here.


We enjoyed a lovely hot day at the beach. Choosing an Airbnb near the Promenade was definitely the right choice. On our way I thought it would be best to buy sunscreen so we stopped at the pharmacy but for SPF 30 was priced at 16.90 euros. Yea, I rather burn. And so I did. On the beach we enjoyed Lays BBQ chips, PBJ sandwiches and apples. We bought a 6 pack of Rosé bottles but we forgot an opener. We can’t win. But we came across these cool, young, rad kids and they offered to help! After laying on the sand, rather rock, for quite some time we went back to shower to get ready to travel to the Castle Hill. After walking over a mile we arrived 8 minutes after the lift closed and could not enter the park. Another reason we can’t win. On the bright side we got to take pictures in front of the #ILoveNice sign. We made our way back and enjoyed another meal at Le Cocodile. 

  • Took the bus #100 from Le port to Monaco. Best view. Be sure to sit on the right side of the bus. Don’t recommend taking the train. 
  • We got off at Place D’ Armes.
  • Enjoyed a cold brew from STARBUCKS! What a treat. 
  • We walked to the Jardin Exotique. Be sure to read the signs on your way there. It was a beautiful garden that overlooked the whole city. For students, it was only 3.80 euros to enter.
  • We took the bus to the Monte Carlo stop downtown.
  • We visited the tourist office and got our passports stamped. Of course, I have my temporary passport! Go me! 
  • Then walked toward the area where the Hotel de Paris is located. If you didn’t know this is where Monte Carlo was filmed. 
  • Then we made our way to grab a sandwich. Got a salami baguet. Pretty solid.
  • We saw the famous Fairmont Turn.
  • We walked to the Japanese Koi Park. Nothing to rave about.
  • On our way back, we enjoyed a drink on the roof of the Fairmont Hotel.
  • Then we made our way to the Port de Fontvieille to sit and enjoy the views.
  • Stopped at Luadrrée for some macaroons! It is located in the Le Métropole Shopping Center
  • We walked to the bus stop Monte Carlo to head back to Nice. We had to stand the whole time. This is very common when coming back to Nice so be prepared.

Today Taylor and I got a late start. We decided to travel to St Paul de Vence, a medieval village that is only an hour bus ride away. We hopped on the #400 train near the Promenade to head on up. It was beautiful. We saw hills of houses and wineries and the Mediterranean sea. It was perfect. The village was so cute and very picturesque. We enjoyed lunch with a view. I got a crepe but wished I got the quiche. Always go with your first instinct. We then made our way back to the Promanade and finally got to go to Castle Hill. Although drizzling and cold the view was worth it and we got to take an elavator. Even better! Then we made ravollis for dinner! 


  • The bus system is hard to navigate but costs 1.50 euros. 
  • Random observation: everyone is so nice so don't be afraid to ask for help. 
  • If you have time check out Cannes or Ezé Village. 

Spring breakkkkkkk!!!!! This is going to be such an exciting fun-filled week. Taylor, Kaylie and I are headed to Rome first and then Taylor and I are off to two other amazing countries.  Rome exceeded my low expectations. I never really had Rome on my list of places to visit but Taylor convinced me to go. Anyway, honestly, I know I said that I could see myself living in Milan but for the amount of time I was there (maybe 4 hours) I don’t think I could say that. On the other hand, Rome was amazing and I could definitely see myself living there.


We arrived Thursday night and thought it would be best to watch Lizzie McGuire. Duh. Early Friday morning we waited in line for about 45 minutes to buy a ticket that included the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. We did the Colosseum which was very cool but kinda underwhelming. We then walked over to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill which was beautiful. If we knew we would have bought sandwiches and ate outside. Shortly after we made our way to the metro to travel to the Spanish Steps. Of course, we bought the unlimited subway pass but the subway did not work at ALL THE TOP TOURIST LOCATIONS. When in Rome. So we got off at Flamino station and walked towards the steps. We stopped at lunch at a ticket restaurant which was great. Love a free panini. Along the way we stopped at one of the oldest coffee houses in Rome, Antico Cafe Greco. Then we stopped on the Steps. We soaked up some vitamin D and then headed to the Borghese Gardens. It was a beautiful view of the city. It also gave me Central Park vibes. At this point, Taylor had to use the restroom so we roamed the park for about 30 minutes until we came across one. We had to buy something, or so we thought, in order to use the bathroom. So I paid 3:50 for Gelato. THAT IS ILLEGAL. I have never paid that much ever. Turns out the restroom was .50 cents. Of course! Anyway, we made our way back down the steps toward the Trevi Fountain. Walking past I saw the cutest boy chilling reading a boy. Guys read books? What. Of course, I didn’t have the courage to say anything and just my luck he probably does not speak English. Then walking toward the Fountain, where we ran into Kate, Laura, Amanda and Hannah. When in Rome. The Trevi Fountain area looks significantly bigger in movies. There were a million people but we squeezed our way to throw that coin. Also, as I am walking up the steps to leave the area some women legit grabs my hand so I could help her down. Like ew. Where is the sanitizer at? Thought she was going to steal my rings but don't worry mom she didn't!

At this point, we want a smoothie bowl and we walk about 20 minutes away. Very good. Then we look at each other like what should we do next so we made our way to the Pantheon and Piazza Navona. Then, got more food. We stopped at an Italian restaurant. Go figure. I ordered grilled veggies and the pasta known in Rome, cacio e pepe. Cultured. Then we headed back to the Airbnb to hang and bond before Kaylie headed back for Elon. 


Taylor and I sleep in sorta late and made our way to Vatican City. It is amazing how it is just its own little city in the midst of Rome. Once we got off the metro we literally were constantly getting verbally attacked. Is that a word? Well, it is now. Everyone was just trying to sell us stuff left and right. We stopped for burgers at Ago e Lillo. Very overpriced but delicious. Then we made our way towards the Vatican Museum. We purchased our tickets in advance online. We opted for the guided tour. The highlights include the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel and access to St. Peters Basilica. During the tour, we learned about Michelangelo's Last Judgement and Raphael's School of Athens. It was so educational. I would have never known what I was looking at if it was not for the tour. 

After the Vatican, we made our way to the keyhole view of Rome. On our way, we stopped at Termini metro stop to visit Mercado Centrale. We enjoyed a bite of sushi and gelato. Then we continued on the subway to our stop, Circo Massimo. We made our way up a hill to some beautiful views of the city. There was a legit line for the keyhole so we opted to not wait. Then, we taxied to the area of Trastevere where we met Kate, Laura, Hannah and Amanda for dinner. We walked around the cute town. By far my favorite place. There were just good vibes as James, my brother would say. We ate at Pimms Good. So delicious and many locals were there too. By the time we left dinner the streets were packed with so many young people. If we didn’t have an early flight I definitely would have liked to enjoy the ambiance. 

Now, we are headed to Nice, France. 

  • Rome is possible to do in TWO DAYS
  • Use the subway system but make sure your stops are working 
  • Taxi > Uber 
  • Wake up for the Colosseum and wait on line for cheaper tickets (12 euros) 
  • Buy the guided tour for the Vatican Museum, Sistene Chapel and access to St. Peters Bascilica for 33 euros. If you want to be adventurous you can book the dome which is only about 3 euros more but only if you have the stamina to walk up the steps. I have heard nothing but great things. 

Friday: Milan

This Friday AEF took us to Milan. I always felt like this city was going to be more my speed and it definitely was. I could 100 percent see myself working there someday. I don’t think the fam would be too happy but ciao! Anyway, once we arrived we took the train to the Duomo. It was beautiful. It is very gothic compared to the Florence Duomo. Then we walked through the Corso Vittorio Emanuele II where we saw all the expensive stores. One day I want to invest in a Hermes bag. Then, I stopped at Matta Caffe for the best jelly croissant I have yet to have. 

With our group, we made our way to the Sforza Castle. This is the location of Michelangelo's Pietà Rondanini sculpture that he worked on before he died. Of course, I had the pleasure of hanging with my homies: Will, Sam, Noah, Katie, Kate and Kevin. Man, I love them. After that tour, we headed to La Scala, a famous opera theater. The only reason we went there was because of our Core Capstone class. Then, it was finally lunch but it is like 2:00 PM. We were all starving. Of course, Will wanted to get lunch together because it's me, come on. Who wouldn't! So Will, Kate, Noah, Kevin and I grabbed lunch at Hosteria Della Musica. Kate and I shared a pizza and Milanese risotto. The restaurant had a nice ambiance. During lunch, we decided that I should have a charcuterie party and indeed that happened. When I am rich someday I am going to host so many parties. Be on the lookout for parties in my Millpoint apartment next year.  

After lunch, we made our way back to Florence. We came back around 7:00 PM and Kate and I rushed to the store to get all the necessities for the party. Thank god for the vouchers. We bought four kinds of cheese, jam, bread, sliced meats and wine! Oh, we also made pasta too! Only a few people showed but we devoured everything and danced to middle school songs while doing it. 

Saturday: Cinque Terre

I spent the day in Cinque Terre! I was originally going to go alone but a friend, Orlando from AEF joined me! Honestly, doing a day trip by myself low-key would have been miserable. I am way too extroverted to be alone for that long. Shout out to everyone who puts up with me. I am very aware that I can be high maintenance. My dad always makes that clear. Okay back to my day. So, of course, I don’t book the tickets from Santa Maria Novella train station (closest to me) and don’t realize it until I arrive at the station. Mind you that I woke up at 6:30 AM for this journey to begin. So now I am apologizing to Orlando but of course, he is groovy with it all. 

So the next train is 9:53 AM. We sit in Shake Cafe for two hours where Orlando has the pleasure of hearing my life story. It may as well be stapled to my forehead. Then, we finally arrive on the train and it is going to be a three-hour journey. The conductor tells us that our tickets are not validated for the train. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I just got robbed. Can I catch a break? No. So we had to fork up 18 euros for the train. But we finally arrived around 1:00 PM. We got off at Vernazza and hiked for about an hour and a half. It was such an amazing experience. Certainly rough but well worth it. Everyone was amazing on the trail. There were people way older than us who made us look weak. Once we arrived in Monterosso, I was ready to plop in the sand. Indeed I did. I napped for about an hour and then off we traveled to Manarola where we enjoyed dinner and the sunset. We ate at Marina Piccola. I ate spaghetti with clams and muscles. The restaurant overlooked the water. It was perfect. Then we got gelato and took more photos! Around 7:00 PM, we made our way towards the train station but I found this adorable store and picked up jeans and a gift for my dad. Then off we went! I was greeted at the apartment by one of best friends, Kaylie. So glad she could make it to Florence for spring break! 


I studied. Believe it or not, I actually have work here! 

  • Book your train tickets out of Santa Maria Novella train station
  • If you are not crazy about hiking all of Cinque Terre, you can easily visit in one day
  • Climb the Duomo in Milan if you have time