Sicily for Easter Weekend

April 23, 2019

Easter Weekend! 

This was definitely a hard weekend to be away from my family. But on the bright side, I celebrated Easter with my friend Amanda’s family in Sicily.


We traveled to Palermo early Friday morning. It was such a travel extravaganza. We woke up early to take a bus to Pisa International Airport. Once we arrived we had to take a tram to the airport and then we finally made it with 20 minutes before boarding. The Ryanair people love to talk on the plane. The loudspeaker was constantly going off with information. When we landed the people on the plane simply did not care. They aggressively pushed one another. I had to finagle my way off the plane.

Once we arrived in Palermo we had to bus an hour away to the downtown area. Then we had to walk to our Airbnb. We took back streets that brought us through an outdoor street market. It was actually so chaotic. The people are screaming Italian from every direction. There was fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, cheese and meats. Oddly enough the meat did not smell because it was so fresh. On the other hand, the fish smelled a little wild. Once we made it to the apartment we quickly changed into our bathing suits. We stopped for rice balls and hit the train to Cefalù. It was perfect and just what we all needed after a long day of travel. The town was so cute. It was old was but nearly as dirty as Palermo. We walked through the town until we saw the beach. It was hot, thank goodness. The weather I have had the past couple of weeks have been not so great. I napped on the beach and luckily did not get a sunburn. Once the sun started to go down it started to get chilly. We headed to dinner but not many places were open since it was Good Friday. We were able to find a place that served wine and appetizers. We went to Enoteca Le Petit Tonneau. The five of us ordered wine, 2 cheese, and meat plates and a hot platter. I am now a fan of artichokes. We also discovered that the bread in Sicily is what we consider the Italian bread at home. After dinner, we got our first Sicilian cannoli! It was so yummy. Then we headed back to our Airbnb! 


Today was going to be a cloudy day. We set out around 11:00. I got a rice ball again! The best one I had. It had ham and cheese. Then we headed back to the market. Such a cool experience. After we headed toward the water. Then, we ate at a Michelin star restaurant called Buatta and I ordered the best pasta dish I have yet to eat: anelletti al forno. It was fried exterior with a hard-boiled egg inside which was very unexpected. After lunch, we made our way to the grocery store. We also stopped at the monestary where we found hidden baked goods at the Segreti del Chiostro. I ate another cannoli! We decided to chef up some dinner. We sauteed veggies. Then we watched The Hangover.  


Easter Sunday we headed to Amanda’s family’s house in Capo d' Orlando. It was a cute town. Very beautiful. We met her aunt and cousins. We had four courses: meat and cheese, lasagna, roast beef and potatoes and dessert. On our way to the train, we stopped for granita which is similar to an Italian Ice.


So I was not going to write about Monday because it was just a travel day but just my luck something juicy happens, literally. On our flight back the girl next me threw up and some landed on my backpack. As we are about to land I open my eyes. I notice the girl next to me holding her mouth ready to barf. At this very moment, the flight attendant is walking holding the trash bag and I grab her in the nick of time. I was snapping my fingers for her to hurry. The flight attendant is now holding the bag with vomit in. Some liquid did not make it in the bag and actually ended up on my backpack. I am mad. As we all know, I was robbed in Naples and my backpack was cut. This backpack has been through it all. This is just a typical day in the life of Kelly!

Thinking back I was wondering if this girl was going to wake me up or if she was going to vomit all over me and the other person. If my eyes were not open at the moment I literally would have been livid if it landed on me. Love my life!!!!!

  • Keep in mind that Palermo is an hour away from the airport 
  • If you are looking for a beach weekend stay in Cefalù
  • Don’t forget to eat plenty of rice balls (arancini) and cannolis 

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