
April 01, 2019

Spring breakkkkkkk!!!!! This is going to be such an exciting fun-filled week. Taylor, Kaylie and I are headed to Rome first and then Taylor and I are off to two other amazing countries.  Rome exceeded my low expectations. I never really had Rome on my list of places to visit but Taylor convinced me to go. Anyway, honestly, I know I said that I could see myself living in Milan but for the amount of time I was there (maybe 4 hours) I don’t think I could say that. On the other hand, Rome was amazing and I could definitely see myself living there.


We arrived Thursday night and thought it would be best to watch Lizzie McGuire. Duh. Early Friday morning we waited in line for about 45 minutes to buy a ticket that included the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. We did the Colosseum which was very cool but kinda underwhelming. We then walked over to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill which was beautiful. If we knew we would have bought sandwiches and ate outside. Shortly after we made our way to the metro to travel to the Spanish Steps. Of course, we bought the unlimited subway pass but the subway did not work at ALL THE TOP TOURIST LOCATIONS. When in Rome. So we got off at Flamino station and walked towards the steps. We stopped at lunch at a ticket restaurant which was great. Love a free panini. Along the way we stopped at one of the oldest coffee houses in Rome, Antico Cafe Greco. Then we stopped on the Steps. We soaked up some vitamin D and then headed to the Borghese Gardens. It was a beautiful view of the city. It also gave me Central Park vibes. At this point, Taylor had to use the restroom so we roamed the park for about 30 minutes until we came across one. We had to buy something, or so we thought, in order to use the bathroom. So I paid 3:50 for Gelato. THAT IS ILLEGAL. I have never paid that much ever. Turns out the restroom was .50 cents. Of course! Anyway, we made our way back down the steps toward the Trevi Fountain. Walking past I saw the cutest boy chilling reading a boy. Guys read books? What. Of course, I didn’t have the courage to say anything and just my luck he probably does not speak English. Then walking toward the Fountain, where we ran into Kate, Laura, Amanda and Hannah. When in Rome. The Trevi Fountain area looks significantly bigger in movies. There were a million people but we squeezed our way to throw that coin. Also, as I am walking up the steps to leave the area some women legit grabs my hand so I could help her down. Like ew. Where is the sanitizer at? Thought she was going to steal my rings but don't worry mom she didn't!

At this point, we want a smoothie bowl and we walk about 20 minutes away. Very good. Then we look at each other like what should we do next so we made our way to the Pantheon and Piazza Navona. Then, got more food. We stopped at an Italian restaurant. Go figure. I ordered grilled veggies and the pasta known in Rome, cacio e pepe. Cultured. Then we headed back to the Airbnb to hang and bond before Kaylie headed back for Elon. 


Taylor and I sleep in sorta late and made our way to Vatican City. It is amazing how it is just its own little city in the midst of Rome. Once we got off the metro we literally were constantly getting verbally attacked. Is that a word? Well, it is now. Everyone was just trying to sell us stuff left and right. We stopped for burgers at Ago e Lillo. Very overpriced but delicious. Then we made our way towards the Vatican Museum. We purchased our tickets in advance online. We opted for the guided tour. The highlights include the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel and access to St. Peters Basilica. During the tour, we learned about Michelangelo's Last Judgement and Raphael's School of Athens. It was so educational. I would have never known what I was looking at if it was not for the tour. 

After the Vatican, we made our way to the keyhole view of Rome. On our way, we stopped at Termini metro stop to visit Mercado Centrale. We enjoyed a bite of sushi and gelato. Then we continued on the subway to our stop, Circo Massimo. We made our way up a hill to some beautiful views of the city. There was a legit line for the keyhole so we opted to not wait. Then, we taxied to the area of Trastevere where we met Kate, Laura, Hannah and Amanda for dinner. We walked around the cute town. By far my favorite place. There were just good vibes as James, my brother would say. We ate at Pimms Good. So delicious and many locals were there too. By the time we left dinner the streets were packed with so many young people. If we didn’t have an early flight I definitely would have liked to enjoy the ambiance. 

Now, we are headed to Nice, France. 

  • Rome is possible to do in TWO DAYS
  • Use the subway system but make sure your stops are working 
  • Taxi > Uber 
  • Wake up for the Colosseum and wait on line for cheaper tickets (12 euros) 
  • Buy the guided tour for the Vatican Museum, Sistene Chapel and access to St. Peters Bascilica for 33 euros. If you want to be adventurous you can book the dome which is only about 3 euros more but only if you have the stamina to walk up the steps. I have heard nothing but great things. 
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