Barcelona, Spain

April 07, 2019


After a delayed flight we finally arrived in Barcelona. We landed around five and took the Aerobus to the center of town. We literally booked the perfect Airbnb in the gothic district about a five-minute walk from all forms of transportation possible. We stopped at Starbucks because we have become feens for cold brew coffee since having it in Monaco. So if you don’t know this Starbucks has amazing pumpkin and banana bread but... in the US. I was craving it and in Spain, those flavors are not offered! Instead, I opted for the lemon bread. After Starbucks was finally in hand, we went out and about and explored the local area before heading to tapas for dinner. We went to Tosca Palau. So amazing. We had such a spread and everything was surprisingly filling. Later that evening Taylor and I met up with some friends from Elon for drinks. 


This morning we woke up relatively early to go to Brunch and Cake. Cute asthenic and good vibes. I ordered a bagel with scrambled eggs, avocado and lox. Definitely not my typical order but I needed protein in my body. After, we headed over to Ciutadella Park and explored. Then we stumbled across the Arc de Triomf. We started to make our way to some stores. Many of which are European but we stumbled across an Urban Outfitters. I finally bought a cardigan I have been wanting. Then we made our way toward Las Ramblas which consists of vendors and street performances. After reading blogs apparently, there are many hungry pickpocketers found here but don't nothing else was stolen. Along the walk, we stopped at an indoor/outdoor market, La Boqueria. Easily one of the coolest markets I have seen. Insanely inexpensive too. I got a cup of mangos for 1 euro and an empanada for 2.50 euros. Perfect place to stop for a snack. Shortly after we made our way back to our Airbnb. Literally can't beat the location. 

We headed to the area of the Sagrada Família. We stopped at BuenasMigas for chocolate cake and a pitcher of sangria. A pitcher is a lot, especially for me. Then we headed inside for our 6:00 p.m. scheduled tour time. We booked it for sunset but there was no such thing. The church was beyond amazing. The history behind it is fascinating. Antoni Gaudí designed the church but never finished it and since he passed, artists have been trying to finish it. It is expected to be done on the 100th anniversary of his death in 2026.  

As we started walking in the street towards a direction for dinner this American couple stopped us. We yapped with them until we stopped at Sensi to eat but they did not have enough room for us. We ended up eating at La Galera but would not recommend. I had the pleasure of sitting basically on top of the owner and her coughing five-year-old son. Literally, people need to be trained from the womb to cover their mouths. 


Literally woke up at 6:30 to go to Park Güell. Since we booked tickets so last minute we got the 8 a.m. timeslot which unfortunately meant that we could not experience clubbing in Barcelona the night before. If you have time, I hear the club, Opium is good. So once we take the bus there, we get off and see many people running. Why? Are we missing something? Yes. So apparently you can go to the Park for free before 8 a.m. Yup, so now I lost 12 euros. 

We wait in a short line to take photos then these nice girls took our photos on their professional camera. They offered to email them to use which was kind. After chatting I find out they are from New Hyde Park, a town close by to me. Such a small world. 

Then we made our way to Brunch and Cake again. I got the Levain Bakery homage pancake. So crazy because my cousin introduced me to that Bakery in NYC. Small world. Everything is healthy at this place too so after eating it I was grateful to not feel like a sack of potatoes. 

At this point, we legit have no idea what to do next. The weather was not warm enough to lay at the beach so we end up going to the CosmoCaixa Science Museum. Well worth it for 2.50 euros. Plenty to see if you are dilly-dallying in the city. After the Museum we made our way back to our apartment for a nap. Our bodies are just exhausted from this whole spring break adventure. 

Once we woke up we made our way to Starbucks. Then we took the metro to Barcelona beach and rented bikes for 2 hours. It only cost us 6 euros. 100% the highlight of Barcelona. On our way to the boardwalk, we walked through what seemed like a million vendors selling so many fake items. Seriously considered buying a Hermes belt but did not. 

Along the boardwalk, there are bike lanes which definitely helps when there are so many people around. Also, the fact that the bikes have bells on them to scare away people who get in our way. We made our way pretty far before turning back. The opposite direction was rough. The wind was against us. Taylor was killing it but I just could not keep up. This was easily the most physically active I have been since abroad.

After bikes, we headed to the area of Pablo Sec which is known for having good tapas. We ate at La Esquinita de Bali. So delicious. It was this whole new way of eating I have never seen before. Not only was there a menu to order tapas, but there were plates of tiny tapas with sticks in them for us to take. Plain sticks were only 1 euro and sticks with dots were 1.80 euros. On top of noshing on those, we enjoyed our final glass of sangria and nachos and chicken tenders. After tapas, we made our way to the Magic Fountain. It is a fountain light show that lasts for 30 minutes. The experience reminded me of Disney! Then we made our way back home because we needed to be up early to catch a redeye back to Florence.


  • Download Moovit. It is essential to get around in the city.

  • Dont pay for Park Güell. Wake up before it opens.
  • Enjoy tapas and sangria. 
  • Book the Sagrada Família in advance.

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