Split, Croatia

April 15, 2019

This was an adventure that started on a Wednesday. The only reason I say this is because we got an email from the booking company, Euroadventures saying they canceled the trip. I was so mad. After a million emails communicating with the CEO, they put us on the Bus2Alps trip to Croatia. Luckily, I was able to accommodate our group of six of us. The best part was that if we actually paid to go with Bus2Alps we would have had to spend about 80 more euros but we didn't have to!  


Thursday evening we left for the bus at 8:15 p.m. Shelby, Amanda, Kate and I were able to snag seats on the top floor of the bus. The major downfall was the location of these seats. We had the pleasure of sitting behind the most pretentious kid on the program who would not shut up about his life. The kid only talked about himself to his other friend who stayed awake for twelve hours essentially listening to him yap. At one point he reclined so far back he was in Amanda’s lap. No that did not last long. Then, around 2:00 in the morning we had to stop for border patrol. It was exciting to get my new passport stamped. 


When we arrived on Friday to En Route Hostel we were not that tired. The hostel was pleasantly new and very clean. We were provided a breakfast which consisted of pizza, sugary pastries, salad and grilled chicken. Then we had to get ready for zip-lining. This adventure was actually far scarier than paragliding. The first crossing was the longest and scariest. I was shaking. I ended up doing it with the guide because I was so scared. I screamed my head off the whole time. We had seven more runs after that where I went completely alone. So proud of myself. 

After a long day of zip-lining, we headed back to the hostel to shower and head to dinner. We ate at the Mexican place, To Je Tako. I ordered three chicken tacos which were amazing. The only obnoxious thing was having to take out Croatian money for the week. After dinner, we walked around the downtown area but then shortly made our way back home to get ready for the pub crawl. This was my first time doing this and it was quite exciting. A bunch of the Bus2Alps people headed to the first bar where we got unlimited drinks for two hours. Then we all headed to the next bar/club and called it a night. We waiting in line for the bathroom and knew we were over it. After ubering back home for 2 euros, we went off to bed. 


We had to wake up around 7:30 to get ready for the boat cruise. This was technically a booze cruise but our group was not feeling it. It was a nice boat with lunch but it was just not the move considering it was cold. We dressed somewhat cute and comfortable but we really should have been bundled. We first stopped at Blue Lagoon which was picturesque. We laid on the rocks and napped before headed back on the boat for lunch. We all were expecting a wack lunch but it was actually pretty great. After we made our way to another island where we spent some time relaxing on the beach. The only downside was certainly the weather but we were on the boat too long and not long enough on the islands. I would only recommend going if it is going to be sunny and 75. After we got off the boat, we headed to dinner at Toto’s Burger Bar. It was a different type of burger but there was plenty of other options to get something else. It was not pricey either. After we headed to Birkenstocks but unfortunately it was close. The cost of the shoes were 60 dollars! So crazy. We missed out on that deal. Later that night we watched movies and headed to bed.


Early wake up at 6:45 to head to Krka National Park to see the beautiful waterfalls. As we made our way to the bus we snagged great seats. Joey sat behind us and then this couple came walking through to claim their seats because they left their neck pillow there from two days ago. Are youkiddingg me? Is that how you thought it would work. No sir. This guy had the audacity to move his hands essentially shoeing Joey to get up because he stole is seat. I could not believe it. The worst thing was the joey got up and gave them the seats. I could not hold back. I literally said there is no reason to be savage over a seat. Apparently, he gave me the finger. Kate chimed in and goes under her breath, "this is a test of his character. I wonder why she is with him." Go Kate! I am fuming about writing this.

Once we got to the park it was beautiful. So much to see. The water was so clear. Now we are headed back to Florence for a 12-hour ride. I forgot my headphones in my backpack because I left them in my suitcase under the bus. Go me!

Overall, this trip was filled with adventures and lasting friendships! 

  • Consider Croatia for a long weekend since the drive is so long. You will have an opportunity to go to Dubrovnik.
  • Bring a neck pillow for the bus ride
  • Consider the weather when booking the boat cruise
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