Friday: Milan

This Friday AEF took us to Milan. I always felt like this city was going to be more my speed and it definitely was. I could 100 percent see myself working there someday. I don’t think the fam would be too happy but ciao! Anyway, once we arrived we took the train to the Duomo. It was beautiful. It is very gothic compared to the Florence Duomo. Then we walked through the Corso Vittorio Emanuele II where we saw all the expensive stores. One day I want to invest in a Hermes bag. Then, I stopped at Matta Caffe for the best jelly croissant I have yet to have. 

With our group, we made our way to the Sforza Castle. This is the location of Michelangelo's Pietà Rondanini sculpture that he worked on before he died. Of course, I had the pleasure of hanging with my homies: Will, Sam, Noah, Katie, Kate and Kevin. Man, I love them. After that tour, we headed to La Scala, a famous opera theater. The only reason we went there was because of our Core Capstone class. Then, it was finally lunch but it is like 2:00 PM. We were all starving. Of course, Will wanted to get lunch together because it's me, come on. Who wouldn't! So Will, Kate, Noah, Kevin and I grabbed lunch at Hosteria Della Musica. Kate and I shared a pizza and Milanese risotto. The restaurant had a nice ambiance. During lunch, we decided that I should have a charcuterie party and indeed that happened. When I am rich someday I am going to host so many parties. Be on the lookout for parties in my Millpoint apartment next year.  

After lunch, we made our way back to Florence. We came back around 7:00 PM and Kate and I rushed to the store to get all the necessities for the party. Thank god for the vouchers. We bought four kinds of cheese, jam, bread, sliced meats and wine! Oh, we also made pasta too! Only a few people showed but we devoured everything and danced to middle school songs while doing it. 

Saturday: Cinque Terre

I spent the day in Cinque Terre! I was originally going to go alone but a friend, Orlando from AEF joined me! Honestly, doing a day trip by myself low-key would have been miserable. I am way too extroverted to be alone for that long. Shout out to everyone who puts up with me. I am very aware that I can be high maintenance. My dad always makes that clear. Okay back to my day. So, of course, I don’t book the tickets from Santa Maria Novella train station (closest to me) and don’t realize it until I arrive at the station. Mind you that I woke up at 6:30 AM for this journey to begin. So now I am apologizing to Orlando but of course, he is groovy with it all. 

So the next train is 9:53 AM. We sit in Shake Cafe for two hours where Orlando has the pleasure of hearing my life story. It may as well be stapled to my forehead. Then, we finally arrive on the train and it is going to be a three-hour journey. The conductor tells us that our tickets are not validated for the train. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I just got robbed. Can I catch a break? No. So we had to fork up 18 euros for the train. But we finally arrived around 1:00 PM. We got off at Vernazza and hiked for about an hour and a half. It was such an amazing experience. Certainly rough but well worth it. Everyone was amazing on the trail. There were people way older than us who made us look weak. Once we arrived in Monterosso, I was ready to plop in the sand. Indeed I did. I napped for about an hour and then off we traveled to Manarola where we enjoyed dinner and the sunset. We ate at Marina Piccola. I ate spaghetti with clams and muscles. The restaurant overlooked the water. It was perfect. Then we got gelato and took more photos! Around 7:00 PM, we made our way towards the train station but I found this adorable store and picked up jeans and a gift for my dad. Then off we went! I was greeted at the apartment by one of best friends, Kaylie. So glad she could make it to Florence for spring break! 


I studied. Believe it or not, I actually have work here! 

  • Book your train tickets out of Santa Maria Novella train station
  • If you are not crazy about hiking all of Cinque Terre, you can easily visit in one day
  • Climb the Duomo in Milan if you have time

After spending the week with Abby visiting, I was off to my next adventure to Amsterdam to visit my cousin MJ and her friend Doris. Ever since I read Anne Frank in high school it has always been on my bucket list to go. And yes, I have a bucket list at 20. So glad I was able to make time for a visit!


This weekends journey started with two flights to Amsterdam. I left Florence around 10:30 AM and arrived around 5:30 PM. I wish I just splurged on the direct flight because I could have seen and done so much more. After we all arrived at the airport we ubered to the B&B.  This place was so cute and part of a relatively new part of the city. It was built above the water. Our hosts provided us with a guide on how to get around and different restaurant where locals eat.

This night we at an Asian restaurant. It was so good to get some sushi and Japanese egg noodles. After, we walked back in the blustering wind over two canals back to the villa.


This was an early morning. I dressed for the cold windy and rainy weather. We walked over the two canals in the neighborhood and ate at a local Dutch bakery, De Bakkersfiets. The smell of the bread, when you walked in was so overwhelming and yummy. I ordered a pastrami sandwich and tea and had some of Doris's fresh orange juice. Shortly after we caught the tram into the Central Station.  On the tram, there was an actual person giving out tickets. Like what! Imagine someone getting a salary to sit on a tram all day giving out tickets to those who need. I am still trying to figure out why it is not electronic. Once we arrived we took another tram to Anne Frank Museum. We arrived too early so we stopped at a shopping mall because the weather was so crazy. Since I mentioned this was on my bucket list, when we were shopping Doris bought me a little bucket list journal which was so sweet.

Once we arrived at Anne Frank with our prepaid tickets, we went right in. It was very educational and worth it. The original bookcase that covered the hiding place was still there. In casing, they also had her journal with her beautiful script handwriting. America really needs to step up and start teaching cursive again. After the museum, we stopped for a bite at the grocery store and sat outside on some stairs and people watched. MJ nudges Doris and I and says, "look at this guy" and we were too late to even look but we hear the man go, "shut the f*** up." We were hysterical and peed a little. It was a had to be there moment but put it in the blog anyway! After lunch, we decided to go to the Museum of Prostitution near the Red Light District. The museum was educational but I think that we all could have done without it and would have preferred a walking tour. As we walked down some streets there were a few women but they don't give us any attention. They just look at you. But when a man walks near they start doing their thing. As we walked we did not see as many women as I thought but I guess the weekends are busy for them!

After that experience, we were ready for a drink. Of all the places we stopped at the New York Film Academy Cafe. Then we did an hour canal tour. Very cool and would recommend to anyone visiting. You get to see so many different areas of the city. We later took the tram back toward the villa and enjoyed eggplant parm and salad at an Italian restaurant. Believe or not, I am not sick of Italian yet.


We slept in and enjoyed a local Dutch breakfast cooked by our hosts. They had prepared meats and cheeses, fruits and fresh warm local bread. Everything was amazing.  They also cooked MJ and I a hard-boiled egg with a sorta runny middle where we had to crack it at the top in order to open it. It was great having the opportunity to interact with locals and learn about their food and culture.

In the future, I will certainly be coming back to do the Red Light District tour, Pancake House, Heineken Experience, Tulip Fields and visit cute areas outside the city.


  • Book Anne Frank House tickets in advance 
  • Don't be afraid to stay in the outside area of the city because the tram is accessible and inexpensive
  • Eat lots of gouda cheese
  • Visit during the spring because you will see tulips everywhere! 


This is one of the first trips where the adventure began on a Friday morning. AEF paid for us to go to Naples for the weekend. Once we arrived it was literally like 34th Street/Time Square vibes. There were so many people and it was very dirty. We walked from the train station to the Luna Hotel. Would not be my personal first choice but AEF paid for it!

After we left the hotel we went to get Napoli’s famous pizza! We ate outside at Tote e Peppino. I ordered a personal pie with ham and mushrooms for only 6 euros. Super filling and delicious! It is much more inexpensive here than it is in Florence. After lunch, we got gelato of course! Dark chocolate and coffee flavors! Then we started our adventure of walking around the city. We walked to the Santa Chiara and saw beautiful mosaic tiled walls surrounding a garden. Then we went to the Cappella Sansevero which featured the Veiled Christ. Shortly after we walked back to the hotel to get ready for our opera show at the Teatro Di San Carlo.

We took the subway or metro as they call it to the area of Spacca Napoli. It was a totally different vibe. Much cleaner and closer to the water. We received our ticket and discovered we did not have seats, we had boxes. There were other people in the box but I was fortunate to be near the front where I could see the stage. The orchestra was amazing. I wish I could appreciate the opera but it is hard when you don’t know what the women is singing. After making it through two songs, most of us met at the bar and decided it would be best for us to get dinner. We walked along the water and found a pier with a ton of options. We ate at Transatlantico. Shanley, Taylor, Katie and I ate dinner. I ordered ricotta spaghetti alle vongole (spaghetti with clams) and some tiramisu. We ordered white wine too because that is what you drink with seafood. Cultured. The bread for the table was sourdough which was a pleasant surprise but I have noticed that it seems to be a thing in Napoli. Although a little chilly it was nice sitting outside on the water! 


Woke up around 7:00 AM and ate the hotel breakfast. Breakfast in Italy consists of meats, cheese, croissants and cappuccinos. I ate a croissant and cereal. Then off for the day. We took a bus Castel Nuovo. Outside the castle were tons of palm trees.  After we hopped on the bus to go back to Piazza Plebscito. We heard from a man who spoke about the mafia which was interesting. It was an hour and a half and at that point, we were all tired and hungry. After, Kate, Amanda, Hannah and Laura and I ate at Cavoli Nostri. I got a vegetarian taco. Then I wanted to try a sfogliatella or lobster tail but it was not good. Very upsetting. I think I could have got a better one at Riester’s bakery at home. 

Shortly after we made our way to the underground caves. Nothing to rave about but historically it was interesting to learn about. We walked through very thin ally ways. For dinner, AEF was paying and Annie and I split a caprese and sausage pizza! Had a small bottle of wine as well. The bottle literally had 14.7% alcohol. I had the pleasure of sitting next to my homies, Andrew, Will and Shanley! 


Sunday, we woke up early to go to Pompeii. We had a guided tour with a man who has given tours to Bradley Cooper and Meryl Streep! So amazing. There were like other people walking taking pictures of him which was so funny. Pompeii was really nothing other I have ever seen. I never realized that it was a city until I learn about it. Mount Vesuvius is literally in their backyard. We also viewed dead bodies covered in ash which was so fascinating. After Pompeii, Kevin, Tony and Hana and I grabbed pizza in Spacca Napoli. Nothing to rave about. Then we went to an amazing gelato place, Casa Infante. I got a biscotti flavor and coffee. I literally asked for what they recommended and the women gave me seven flavors. I already gave a great review on TripAdvisor! 

Once we head back to the train I quickly realize that I no longer have my Airpods. Then, I realize a gash in my backpack. It was stolen. So I tell my mom and then she goes, "where is your passport?" Gone. Thanks, Naples! 


  • Be sure to have your eyes on your belongings 
  • Stay in a safe area 
  • Don’t walk alone at night 
  • Eat loads of pizza
  • Be careful when crossing the streets. Confidence is key. They will stop for you. 
  • If you have time, visit the other areas of Naples

Wow this weekend was like none other. I am not much of an outdoorsy girl but I definitely conquered a fear of heights by paragliding. I am so proud of myself. That was something that has always been on my bucket list and now I can check it off! I am happy to say I enjoyed every minute of it. 

Thursday/ Friday

The adventure began when Taylor, Kevin and Hana and I left the Florence train station at 9:00 Thursday evening with the travel company, Bus2Alps. The trip Included hostel accommodation (Balmer’s Hostel) and travel. Very much worth it. The bus ride was very long and we, unfortunately, hit traffic around 1:00 AM. We were at a standstill for two hours. This caused us to get into Switzerland at 7:00 AM. Once we arrived, we slept in our hostel room for a little over 1.5 hours but was well needed to survive the rest of the day. Taylor and I woke up and got the continental breakfast. The hostel was relatively nice and clean but I forgot flip clops for the shower so that was a little rough to handle. At breakfast, I had cereal, granola and milk. We walked around near the hostel and then took a group walk to Lake Brienz. We met another girl, Nicole traveling from Florence who we ended up chilling with the rest of the weekend! That is the beauty of staying in a hostel. The weather was awful and rainy but we powered through. Definitely not having a good hair day either which Nicole and Taylor had the pleasure of dealing with as I asked them to take a million photos of me. After our walk we explored downtown Interlaken and grabbed Hooters. I got boneless wings and fries. The meal was relatively expensive. After lunch, we continued to walk around and stopped by the Funky Chocolate Club. I got a dark chocolate covered coconut ball and dark chocolate covered almonds. After our little treats we took a nap back at Balmer’s Hostel. By that time we were ready for dinner! We made reservations for a local place, Husi serving Swiss food. Taylor and I split a salad and schnitzel. It was so delicious. Then we, of course, went back to bed. Going out was out of the question.


This morning was paragliding at 10:45 with Outdoor Interlaken! Taylor and I were worried about the weather but it turned out just fine. We were picked up at the hostel and then driven up to the mountain to the platform where we take off. Nerves did not hit me until we were driving the winding roads and I would look over and see how high we were. In the car we were given the guide and of course his name was Tom and I knew it was a sign! Once we got out and walked to the top I was somewhat very relaxed. I saw everyone go one after the other. I went last! Tom told me to start running so you get enough momentum then you are off! So amazing. It was not until we were over trees that I was like a little scared. Then he told me to put my arms out and I was like “nooooo” I am not ready for that! About five minutes later I let go! Amazing experience! I talked to Tom basically the whole time just to calm my nerves. Since I was last, Taylor got some good footage of me landing which was pretty cool! 

After paragliding, Taylor and I made PB&J’s at the hostel and took a train to Luauterbrunnen. We were told there were many waterfalls but were unsure if they would be frozen. Once we arrived, we walked to a tourist office and the women recommended we take the tram up to Murren to watch a ski and snowboard competition. The train ride and tram ride were truly something. The views were perfect! Once we arrived, we sat at the Hotel Jungfrau outside and enjoyed a local beer, Rugen Brau and a chocolate lava cake! After a couple hours we made our way down the mountain and went back to Interlaken. For dinner we met up with Kevin, Hana and enjoyed a durum kabab from the restaurant next door to the hostel. Then, we got chocolate fondue. Now, of course after all the fruit is gone there is still plenty of chocolate left. Creative Kelly grabs an apple and clementine from the room and brings it to the table. No shame. Thats the way to do it. No chocolate to waste! 


Kevin, Taylor and I woke up early to watch the sunrise. It was relatively nice but could have been better. Then we came back to go enjoy breakfast and after we went to the Funky Chocolate Club where we learned to make chocolate. We learned why swiss chocolate is known all over the world and its because of the dairy used! We got to try all different kinds: cocoa beans,100% dark, 70% dark (my favorite), semisweet, milk, white chocolate. We had such a blast together! Then we went to the top of the M Hotel and took some pictures before getting yelled at for not ordering food. We then sat on a bench to enjoy the lasting views. For lunch, we got noodles from the Noodle Bar! I had fried rice vegetable noodles. This was probably the cheapest thing to eat in the whole area. We then made our way back to Funky Chocolate Club to pick up our chocolate bars and back to Florence we went.


  • Although expensive ($70), Funky Chocolate Club making was worth it! 
  • If you are afraid of heights you can 100% paraglide
  • I recommend getting a drink at the M hotel because those views of Interlaken were amazing for the 30 seconds I was there. 
  • Bring food and snacks because Interlaken is expensive
  • Don’t be afraid to go into a tourist office. You might stumble across something you never knew existed