Life Update: Summer Internship (Beginning)

June 03, 2017
For about the past two weeks I have been working at a public relations firm. It has definitely been an amazing learning experience and I highly recommend that you take the opportunity to get an internship. I will be producing content for my eportfolio which will be great for future employers to look at.

The company I am interning at is really tiny. There are about four other workers and me in the office. I have really been given responsibly that some of the other workers part take in which is really beneficial to me. I can see what is done on a daily basis for clients.

A majority of my time is making lists of media outlets that will be sent press releases. The work is tedious but there are great sources the industry uses to help make it easier. I have also been given the opportunity to go to meetings and client events which have been great. It is really eye opening seeing what the industry is really like.

This is just the beginning and I have six more weeks left. I can't wait to see what is in store!
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