Things To Do On a Weekend Night In

November 14, 2016
After a long week of working hard in class and writing essays, all I want to do is enjoy a quiet night either by myself or with friends. Here are some suggestions for you to try out for your next Friday or Saturday night in:
  1. Watch a good movie. You can either watch it off your Netflix or an Amazon prime account. If you don’t have these accounts then go to your local library because I am sure that they have a selection of DVDS. My go to movies are Endless Love and The Proposal. The classics are always the best. If you are not into movies, start a television series with you and all your friends. My favorites are Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill. Next thing you should do is pop in a bag of popcorn or kettle corn and sit back and relax! 
  2. Have a spa night. Have all your friends each bring something to contribute. You should have nail supplies including nail polish and cuticle cutters. Also, someone should pick up a face mask at the drugstore for all of you to put on your faces. If you don’t want to buy it, you can make your own mask. You can find plenty ideas on Pinterest. If you really want to go crazy you could also make a lip scrub to soften your lips. Now, you all are on your way to a relaxing night but just don’t forget the candles!
  3. Gather a bunch of your friends and make desserts! Have each person bring an ingredient and get together to bake! You could bake something easy from rice crispy treats to apply pie. 
  4. Listen to music and gather all your friends around to play Cards Against Humanity. This game is good for a laugh.
  5. Order takeout! All of you and your friends should order from different places around your area and see which food you like the most. Don’t forget the pizza or lo mein!
  6. Do some arts and crafts! Travel to a craft store and pick up something random to work on. Your could scrapbook or paint on a canvas or make yourself a necklace. Try something different! It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece.
  7. Do home workout exercises and then prepare yourself a nice healthy protein filled dinner!
  8. Do online shopping! Sometimes traveling to your local mall can be exhausting so why not sit in bed and shop? There are so many coupon codes for you to use online. If you can’t find any then call customer service and they might be able to help you and while you are at it, ask for free shipping too. 
  9. Read a book. When was the last time you picked up a book to read for enjoyment? Never (I am assuming). Go to your local library and take out a book. If you get tired of reading easily then get the book on audio and listen to it, that way, you can close your eyes.
  10. The last thing you could do is be productive! Get stuff done so you don’t have to worry about it the next day.
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