One week from today I woke up for the last time in Duomo 7 apartment. So many memories were made there that I will remember for a lifetime. From the pregames to the charcuterie parties to the potluck dinners. It is sad to say that now it is just a memory.

People always say that going abroad for three and a half months is the best time of your life. I never knew if I should believe them. For my case, it was. I think not going in with expectations really helped me, which is definitely not like me. I met people I never thought I would have met. I did things I never thought I would do. I succeeded in making my "goal friends" become actual best friends.

I learned more about myself than I ever thought I would.

I was able to conquer my fear of heights: paragliding in Switzerland, ziplining in Croatia and taking a single rider chairlift to the top of Capri.

Another thing I learned about myself is that I am extremely extroverted. I mean, I always knew I was, but once I went abroad I would never really shut up. I am sure my friends could attest to this. One of the things I wanted to hold myself accountable for was being able to travel alone. I did not do this. I personally would have had a terrible time if I did. I get so much of my energy being around my friends.

Further, I learned that I am very capable of going with the flow when it comes to planning trips. Yes, I would like some things to be planned but I have realized that I am up for spontaneous adventures.  I remember being with Taylor in Switzerland and we looked at each other and had no idea what to do next. Next thing you know, we came across a skiing and snowboarding competition in the mountains. This never would have happened if we had a plan for the day.

Lastly, I learned that you really have one life to live and you should never waste a dull moment. All that I worked for from my past summers and on-campus jobs went all to good use. I wouldn't change anything about my experience (well, maybe except for being robbed).

Thank you to my parents who allowed me to study abroad. Thank you to AEF for helping me integrate and learn about the Italian culture. And finally, thank you to the 38 individuals on my program who were such a light in my abroad experience.