Weekend in Prague, Czech Republic

February 18, 2019


This past weekend I traveled to Prague, Czech Republic. It was an interesting and exciting adventure to say the least. On Thursday, February 14, the traveling began around 11:30 PM. We walked through Florence to the tram that then took us to the bus stop. Our bus was leaving the station at 2:00 AM but the last tram left at 12:00 PM. We sat in the bathroom at the bus station for two painful hours. The security guard was kind enough to let us know to watch over our stuff. Not scary at all, right? It was freezing in the waiting area but we all managed to just sit there with our headphones in. I listened to multiple podcasts. Then the bus arrives and off we go! It was beyond freezing on the lower level of the bus. And of course, at that point in the night sleeping was not an option. I was so slap happy. I have a tendency to just laugh in the worst situations and always manage to turn heads but it's fine. Around 6:30 AM we arrive at the Milan station where we then need to figure out how to get to the airport. A subway and a train ride away we made it with like 45 minutes to spare until boarding. Thank god we walked right through security. So much faster than I had thought. We take off on time and upon arrival, we take a train and a trolly to the apartment. Now, hopefully, you followed this because at this point we have used SEVEN modes of transportation. 

After dropping our bags at the apartment, we were starving and stopped at James Dean Diner, where I enjoyed a fat burger, fries, and a strawberry shake. Really authentic! We then walked through the Old Town Square and decided it would be best to nap. After the nap, we explored and got some hot wine and sushi (avocado and sweet potato roll, if you were wondering). For dessert, I tried some of Taylor's Trdelnik which consisted of ice cream wrapped in a cinnamon dough wrap. Then we decided to get back to the apartment to get rest where we waited for Erin to arrive. 

  • Ate breakfast at the Bakeshop. I enjoyed a ham and swiss croissant and a rugelach (mini croissant cookie with chocolate). I am trying the authentic food as much as possible!
  • Walked to Old Town Square. The architecture is something so different than I have ever seen.
  • Walked the Charles Bridge. Many religious figures
  • Saw the John Lennon Wall (fun fact: he has never traveled to Prague)
  • Saw more palaces and had the pleasure of walking up many hills
  • Enjoyed a traditional Czech lunch. I got potato soup, beef goulash and dumplings (we received soft bread on the plate so I am assuming that was the "dumpling")
  • Started on our treck to the Observation Tower. I had to take the elevator because I would not be able to handle walking on the exposed stairs. While in a cramped elevator, I met this awesome couple traveling from Dubai. At the top, we saw amazing views of Prague at a low cost!  
  • After hours of walking, we trecked back to the airbnb to relax and then awoke to enjoy an amazing Mexican dinner at Agave. Erin and I shared beef and sea bass tacos and a plate full of nachos!


  • Enjoyed a spinach quiche and a mini ham and cheese croissant at the Bakeshop before we walked with our backpacks to the Dancing House. In order to view the top we just needed to buy a drink. Well worth it.
  • Walked along the river to then treck up more stairs to a Letna Beer Garden. Enjoyed a Pivo beer and a hot dog. Not a hot dog person but this was another level of good. It was wrapped in french bread. 
  • Made our way to the airport to head back to Milan. Once we made it to Milan we took an overnight flexbus. We left at 9:50 PM and traveled by bus to Bologna. After a two hour layover, the second bus never arrived so we needed to hop on another one. After a long and exhausting night, we arrived back to Florence at 7:00 AM on Monday. 

Tips for traveling to Prague: 
  • Once you arrive, take the #19 bus from the airport. You will get off at the McDonalds and then take the #26 Trolly to the Old Square.
  • The city does accept euros but certainly would benefit you if you got crown.
  • Book an Airbnb in Prague 1. It is close to all the must-see locations. All within walking distance.
  • They have every type of food but definitely make sure to get the Trdelnik and goulash because it is authentic there.
  • Not everyone speaks English which can be difficult sometimes. 

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