Disney World Spring Break Trip 2017

March 31, 2017
College is an amazing place to take advantage of new opportunities. Over any breaks I try to do something exciting instead of going home. This past spring break I went to Disney World with a class at Elon. We were able to visit all four parks and part take in the Youth Education Series. My class was able to go behind scenes and see hidden secrets of Disney. Here is a photo story of what I learned about in Magic Kingdom's Liberty Square: http://kvalerio.weebly.com

The greatest part of this experience was being able to explore Disney World and notice things that you would not have noticed as a kid. You really grow to appreciate it. Also, it was a great opportunity to do this class alone and have the opportunity to meet new people.

My advice: Take advantage of school planned break trips; they can be really educational and fun. Also, put yourself out there and sign up for the class alone!

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